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      • ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត
      • ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត
      • ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត

      ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត

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      • ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត
      • ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត
      • ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      • Women's Push-Up Swimsuit Top with Fixed Padded Cups ELENA - GRAPHITI
      ឈុតលីអូហែលទឹកសមញ្ញម៉ាក NINA - ក្រឡាឆ្នូត

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      ក្នុងនាមជាស្ត្រីដែលលេងកីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះលើទឹករលក យើងបានឌីសាញឈុតហែលទឹកសម្រាប់អ្នកលេងកម្រិតដំបូងនៅក្នុងទឹករលកដាច់ៗ។

      ឈុតប្រភេទនេះ គឺស័ក្តិសមចំពោះគ្រប់ទម្រង់ដងខ្លួន។ផ្នែកសងខាងយឺតល្អ រឹបតឹងណែនមិនថានៅក្នុងទឹករលក។

      Main fabric: 20.0% Elastane, 80.0% Polyamide; Lining: 100.0% Polyester






      សម្រាប់លោក លោកស្រីដែលធ្វើការលេងជិះស្គីរលើទឹកម្តងឬពីរដងក្នុងមួយឆ្នាំ ជាពិសេសកំឡុងពេលថ្ងៃឈប់សម្រាកឬក៏ដំណើរកម្សាន្តជិះស្គីរលើទឹក។លោកអ្នកត្រូវនៅកន្លែងណាដែលអាចប៉ះផ្នែកខាងក្រោម នៃរលក ឬផ្នែកដាច់ៗនៃទឹករលក។លោកអ្នកជិះស្គីលេងសម្រាប់កម្សាន្តអារម្មណ៍នៅក្នុងទឹក។កំឡុងពេលនេះ លោកអ្នកជារឿយៗអាចនឹងដួលនៅក្នុងរលកដែលមិនសូវមានកម្លាំងបក់បោកខ្លាំង។ ក្រុមហ៊ុនយើងខ្ញុំ សម្រិតសម្រាងនូវសម្ភារៈហែលទឹកជាច្រើនសម្រាប់អស់លោកអ្នកដែលចង់អនុវត្ត និងលេងកីឡាដើម្បីរក្សារាង។


      មិនថាលោកអ្នកជាអ្នកជិះក្តារស្គីលើរលក ឬចូលចិត្តមុជទឹកសមុទ្រនោះទេ លោកអ្នកពិតជាមិនចង់បាត់នូវឈុតហែលទឹករបស់អ្នកនោះទេ! នេះគឺជាមូលហេតុដែលយើងធ្វើតេស្តលើគ្រប់ឈុតហែលទឹកទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងទឹករលក។ ម៉ូឌែលនីមួយៗត្រូវបានរចនាឡើងសម្រាប់ការជិះបន្ទះក្តារស្គីលើរលក និងសក្តិសមឥតខ្ចោះសម្រាប់កីឡាក្នុងទឹកផ្សេងទៀត៖ ការជិះលើបន្ទះក្តារឈរកាន់ច្រវ៉ាចែវ ការជិះទូកក្តោង ការជិះស្គីតោងខ្លែង ការមុជទឹក ជាដើម ល។


      ចំពោះអ្នកដែលមិនចង់បង្ហាញកំប៉េះគូទ ឈុតខោហែលទឹកប្រភេទនេះគឺស័ក្តិសមបំផុតសម្រាប់ការបិទបាំង និងភាពជាស្ត្រី។ផ្តល់ផាសុកភាពខ្ពស់ ដោយម៉ូដកាត់របស់ខោផ្តល់នូវទ្រង់ទ្រាយស័ក្តិសមដល់ជើង។ វាស័ក្តិសមចំពោះដងខ្លួនគ្រប់ប្រភេទ ហើយគឺសម្រាប់ស្ត្រីដែលចង់បង្ហាញដងខ្លួន នៅក្នុងឈុតពីរដាច់ដោយឡែក។ គែមសងខាងទន់ ធានាបាននូវភាពជាប់លាប់បើទោះបីស្ថិតនៅក្នុងទឹក។

      ឋិតថេរនៅនឹងមួយកន្លែងនៅលើរលកទឹកសមុទ្រ៖ ការធ្វើតេស្ត

      យើងឌីសាញឈុតហែលទឹកទាំងនេះឡើងដើម្បីធានាលំនឹងដងខ្លួននៅមួយកន្លែងនៅលើទឹករលកជាច្រើន។ ដើម្បីធ្វើតេស្តវា យើងបានជ្រើសរើសយកក្រុមស្ត្រីជិះក្តារបន្ទះចំនួន នាក់ជាមួយនឹងទម្រង់ដងខ្លួនខុសៗគ្នា ដែលនឹងចូលរួមដំណើរការនៃការធ្វើតេស្តនៅក្នុងអាងហែលទឹកនៅឯការិយាល័យរបស់យើង នៅទីក្រុង Hendaye។ គោលដៅនៃការធ្វើតេស្តនេះ គឺដើម្បីបង្កើតនូវបទពិសោធន៍ពិតៗ ដោយអ្នកជិះក្តារបន្ទះដែលស្ថិតនៅជុំវិញទឹករលក។ ប្រសិនបើការធ្វើតេស្តនេះឈានទៅដល់ការសន្និដ្ឋានណាមួយ យើងនឹងធ្វើការជិះក្តារបន្ទះដោយផ្ទាល់នៅលើទឹកសមុទ្រដើម្បីធ្វើតេស្តក្នុងករណីជាក់ស្តែងពិតៗ។


      អស់រយៈពេល 6 ឆ្នាំ មកហើយ ដែលយើងបានធ្វើការអភិវឌ្ឍលើឈុតដែលបង្អួតបង្ហាញរាងកាយរបស់ស្ត្រីជាមួយនឹងគោលដៅតែមួយគត់៖ ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យស្ត្រីមានអារម្មណ៍ថាស្រស់ស្អាតនៅពេលស្លៀកឈុតហែលទឹកនេះ។ ទ្រូងមិនតឹងចង្អៀត មិនលេចគូទ និងលើកដើមទ្រូង។ បេសកកម្មរបស់យើងគឺដើម្បីធានាថាស្ត្រីគ្រប់រូប មិនថាប្រភេទ ឬទំហំប៉ុណ្ណានោះទេ អាចស្វែងរកឈុតហែលទឹកដែលសក្តិសមសម្រាប់នាងបាន។

      ទម្ងន់ស្ងួត និង ទម្ងន់សើម

      ដើម្បីធានាបាននូវភាពសក្ដិសមល្អឥតខ្ចោះនៅក្នុងទឹក វាជាការសំខាន់ក្នុងការជ្រើសរើសទំហំត្រឹមត្រូវ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកមានខ្លួនស្ងួត ពីព្រោះនៅពេលដែលវាស្ថិតនៅក្នុងទឹក នោះឈុតហែលទឹកនឹងក្លាយទៅជារលុង។ ដូច្នេះយើងសូមណែនាំឱ្យអ្នកទិញទំហំត្រឹមត្រូវ។ ឈុតនេះត្រូវមានភាពរឹបជាប់នឹងខ្លួនរបស់អ្នកល្អនៅពេលដែលលោកអ្នកកំពុងលវានៅក្នុងបន្ទប់លសម្លៀកបំពាក់ ហើយលោកអ្នកត្រូវមានអារម្មណ៍ថាទទួលបានការទ្រទ្រង់។ ជាតិអេឡាស្ទេនដែលមាននៅក្នុងសមាសធាតុផ្សំមួយចំនួនដែលត្រូវបានប្រើក្នុងការរចនា​ឈុតហែលទឹករបស់យើង ធ្វើឱ្យឈុតហែលទឹកទន់ និងធូរនៅក្នុងទឹក។


      ហើយត្រូវដឹងទៀតថា តើទំហំ ឬក៏ស្តាយ៍សាកសមនឹងលោកអ្នកដែរឬអត់? តើលោកអ្នកចង់ធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរវានៅ​ឯហាង Decathlon ដែរឬទេ? គ្មានបញ្ហា! ត្រូវប្រាកដថា លោកអ្នកមិនបានហែកផ្លាកអាវនៅលើឈុតហែលទឹកដែលលោកអ្នកចង់ធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ។


      ចាប់ពីឆ្នាំ 2022 គ្រប់ឈុតហែលទឹកនារីទាំងអស់ដែលរចនាឡើងដោយ Decathlon នឹងត្រូវលក់ចេញដោយគ្មានដាក់ស្ទិគ័រផ្លាស្ទិកទៀតទេ។ ការសម្រេចចិត្តដ៏មានទំនួលខុសត្រូវនេះត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងដើម្បីការពារផែនដីរបស់យើងនិងកាត់បន្ថយការប្រើប្រាស់ផ្លាស្ទិក។ ចំណេញផ្លាស្ទិក 940 km ជារៀងរាល់ឆ្នាំ! សូមមេត្តាទុកដាក់លីអូវិញនៅបន្ទប់ផ្លាស់សម្លៀកបំពាក់។

      OLAIAN ផលិតផល DECATHLONប្រភេទកីឡាជិះស្គីលើសមុទ្រ

      OLAIAN ជាស្លាកសញ្ញាផលិតផលកីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះថ្មីរបស់ Decathlon ដែលមានទីតាំងនៅទីក្រុង Hendaye ប៉ែកនិរតីប្រទេសបារាំង។ នៅផ្នែកអាងហែលទឹករបស់ការិយាល័យយើង យើងអាចធ្វើការឌីសាញឈុតហែលទឹក និងបន្ទាប់មកធ្វើតេស្តសាកល្បងវាក្នុងថ្ងៃតែមួយតែម្តងដើម្បីត្រួតពិនិត្យពីភាពឋិតថេររបស់វាជាមួយនឹងទឹករលក។


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      240 of 243 people recommends this product
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      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Bikini cómodo
      Silvia (Spain) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Cómodo, bastante alto, y diseño bonito. Para nadar se mueve un poco la parte de arriba.
      Maillot de bain fleuri
      Veronique (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Jolies couleurs matière résistante, très seyant.
      Sympa !
      Danièle (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Bas de maillot parfait en complément du haut pour un maillot complet sympa
      Swim bottom for active swimming
      Kiki (Malaysia) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Got it on sale and it was worth it. Use it for active swimming (laps or snorkeling).
      Response of the brand

      Bonjour Kiki,

      Greetings from Decathlon KL City Centre!

      Thank you so much for your kind words and 5-star rating! We're thrilled to hear about your positive experience with our team during your current visit at Decathlon KL City Centre!

      Here we can make your shopping experience also become better by recommending downloading our Decathlon App as it has many features that can help you. You can check directly regarding stock availability of any products and also place an order on Decathlon App, exclusively for members, you can directly collect the orders at your preferred store. Thus you may skip the hassle of having to come to the store and have their items delivered, all around Malaysia, with no delivery charge!

      Thank you once again for choosing Decathlon KL City Centre. We look forward to welcoming you back for more great experiences! If you need further assistance, feel free to reach us at 03-2332 0131

      Best regards,


      Sports Advisor

      Watersport Department

      Stephane (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      中国客户 (China) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Joey (Taiwan) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      植凱 (Taiwan) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Response of the brand








      Dos años de uso en verano y sigue en buen estado
      Isabel (Spain) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Mantiene el color y el tejido en buen estado después de dos años de uso en verano