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      • ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម
      • ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម
      • ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម
      • ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម
      ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម

      ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម

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      • ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម
      • ខោខ្លី Hendaia ECO C ក្រហម
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      ក្រុមការងារផ្នែកកីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះរបស់យើងខ្ញុំបានអភិវឌ្ឍខោហែលទឹកដែលស័ក្តិសមបំផុតសម្រាប់ការជិះក្តារបន្ទះ ហើយសម្រាប់ការហាត់លេងរយៈពេលតិចជាង១ម៉ោង។

      ខោខ្លីដែលទាន់និងរលកជាមួយអ្នក! ម៉ូដែលថ្មីដែលត្រូវបានរចនានិងធ្វើឲ្យទាន់សម័យជាងមុន ជាមយយនិងខ្សែចង សាច់ក្រណាត់ច្រានជាតិទឹក សាច់សំណាញ់ពីក្នុង និងហោប៉ៅដើម្បីបង្កើនផាសុកភាពនិងការជីះក្តារស្គីយ៉ាងសប្បាយ។

      ក្រណាត់: 100.0% Polyester; បង្គោលព័ទ្ធលើថូផ្កា: 100.0% Polyester



      ចង្កេះខោយឺតល្អ រួមជាមួយនឹងខ្សែចង។


      សំណាញ់ខាងក្នុង នឹងជួយការពារពីការត្រដុសនិងការរលាក




      សាច់ក្រណាត់ការពារជម្រាបទឹក ឆាប់ស្ងួត និងមិនជ្រាបទឹក។



      ខោខ្លីសម្រាប់កីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះ ជាខោខ្លីសម្រាប់ហែលទឹក ហើយជាទូទៅស្តាយ៍របស់វាគឺជាស្តាយ៍របស់មនុស្សប្រុស ហើយនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្នក៏មានរបស់មនុស្សស្រីផងដែរ។ វាត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងនៅឆ្នាំ 1950 សម្រាប់កីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះ។ អស់រយៈពេលជាច្រើនឆ្នាំ វាបានក្លាយជាស្តាយ៍ដ៏ពេញនិយមសម្រាប់ឈុតហែលទឹក។ ពាក្យថា Boardshorts សំដៅលើ ការប្រើប្រាស់នៅក្នុងកីឡាទឹកតាមរយៈការប្រើក្តារបន្ទះ ដូចជាការជិះក្តារបន្ទះជាដើម។


      សម្រាប់ការជិះក្រោម១ម៉ោង បើសិនជាអ្នកជិះក្រោម១ម៉ោង អ្នកត្រូវការឈុតហែលទឹកបុរសដែលមិនរបូតចុះពេលអ្នកចូលក្រោមទឹក។ខោខ្លីអាចផ្តល់នូបសេរីភាពក្នុងការធ្វើចលនា ណែនាំសម្រាប់ការផ្តេកខ្លួនជិះ។ភាពឆាប់ស្ងួតនឹងក្លាយជារឿងសំខាន់ដូច្នេះហើយទើបដីខ្សាច់មិនស្អិតជាប់ខោរបស់អ្នក។


      ទាក់ទងនិងការរើសយកទំហំ យើងខ្ញុំសូមអញ្ជើញអ្នកឲ្យចូលមើលការណែនាំទំហំដែលមានលើផ្លាកខោស្រាប់មានទំហំ S, M, L , XLនិង XXLរូបរាងរបស់អ្នកអាចមានឥទ្ធិពលស្មើគ្នាលើជម្រើសរបស់អ្នក។នេះជាដំបូន្មានខ្លះដែលអាចជួយអ្នក។បើសិនជាខ្លួននិងជើងអ្នកមានសាច់ដុំ សូមរើសយកខោខ្លីដែលអាចបញ្ចេញរាងរបស់អ្នក
      បើសិនជាអ្នកមានរាងស្លីមនិងស្តើង សូមរើសយកខោរាងវែងបន្តិច!


      ចង្កេះខោយឺត ជួយឲ្យខោខ្លីរបស់អ្នកសមទៅនិងរូបរាងផ្សេងៗគ្នា។ចង្កេះខោយឺតពាក់កណ្តាល ធានាបាននូវភាពជាប់ណែនល្អស្របពេលដែលសម្របទៅតាមប្រភេទរាងកាយផ្សេងៗគ្នា ចង្កេះខោសំប៉ែតធានាបាននូវភាពជាប់ណែនល្អពេលធ្លាក់ចូលរលក។


      ពេលជិះក្តារបន្ទះ មិនថាអោនចុះរឺធ្លាក់ចូលរលកនោះទេ វាពិតជាមិនងាយស្រួលនោះទេក្នុងការសេរ៉េខោអ្នកឲ្យត្រូវកន្លែងវិញព្រោះថាវារបូតចុះដល់គូថឯណោះ ... ដូច្នវការរើសចង្កេះខោឲ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវបានក្លាយជារឿងសំខាន់តាមចំណុលចិត្ត ចង្កេះខោយឺតរឺយឺតពាក់កណ្តាលជាមួយខ្សែចង រឺចង្កេះខោសំប៉ែតសម្រាប់ការចាប់ណែនល្អ។


      វាពិតណាស់ជារឿងដ៏សំខាន់បំផុត។វាជារឿងធម្មតាដែលខោខ្លីរឺថ្នេររបស់វាក្នុងការកកិត។ខោខ្លីរបស់យើងខ្ញុំត្រូវបានរចនាឡើងបានទាំងរូបរាងនិងវិធិសាស្រ្តក្នុងការផ្គុំ ដើម្បីកំណត់ការកកិតបានច្រើនតាមដែលអាចធ្វើទៅបានពេលកំពុងហាត់។


      វាពិតជាមិនស្រណុកចិត្តនោះតេពេលមានដីខ្សាច់ស្អិតជាប់ខោខ្លីអ្នកព្រោះថាវាទទឹកជាប់ជាមួយនិងទឹក។ដោយសារតែមូលហេតុនេះហើយ សូមរើសយកសារធាតុ "យឺត" ដែលច្រានជាតិទឹកបានយ៉ាងរហ័ស។


      ការរើសខោខ្លីគឺអាស្រ័យតែមួយគត់លើចំណូលចិត្តរបស់អ្នក។ប៉ុន្តែអ្នកគួរតែដឹងថាខោរឹតតែខ្លីគឺកាន់តែមានសេរីភាពក្នុងការធ្វើចលនាខ្លាំង។ប្រវែង 16 អ៊ីញស្មើទៅនិងប្រវែង 41 cm សម្រាប់ខ្នាត L ទូទៅ


      ខោខ្លី Hendaia មកជាមួយហោប៉ៅក្រោយដែលមានប្រឡោះសម្រាប់បង្ហូរដីខ្សាច់និងទឹកចេញ។


      ខោខ្លី Hendaia មកជាមួយចង្កេះខោយឺតខ្លាំងដែលនឹងផ្តល់នូវភាបសម្របតាមគ្រប់ទំហំរាងកាយនានាក៏ដូចជានៅជាប់ល្អពេលធ្លាក់ចូលរលក។


      នារដូវក្តៅ មិនថាអាកាសធាតុក្តៅតែក្នុងទឹកត្រជាក់នោះទេ អ្នកជិះក្តារស្គីតែងតែលេងរាងយូរជាងមុនដោយមិនផ្លាស់ប្តូរឧបករណ៏របស់ពួកគេ។ហានិភ័យនៃការរលកាស្បែកគឺទ្វេរគុណ។តើអ្នកដឹងទេ? កាំរស្មី UVពី 10 ទៅ 15% ផ្លាតចេញពីផ្ទៃទឹកមានន័យថាកាំរស្មីពី 40 ទៅ 95% ជ្រាបចូលពីក្រោមទឹករហូតដល់ទៅ 25 cm។ នេះជាមូលហេតុដែលខោខ្លីយើងខ្ញុំដែលរួមបញ្ចូលជាមួយនិងការការពារពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យ (អាវការពារកាំរស្មី UV ជាដើម) បានក្លាយជាឧបករណ៏ដ៏សំខាន់សម្រាប់ការជិះក្តារស្គិក្នុងទឹកក្តៅល្មម។ស្វែងរកប្រភេទការពារពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យរបស់យើងខ្ញុំ!

      តើអ្វីជាផលិតផល OLAIAN?

      OLAIAN ជាស្លាកសញ្ញាផលិតផលកីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះថ្មីរបស់ Decathlon ដែលមានទីតាំងនៅទីក្រុង Hendaye ប៉ែកនិរតីប្រទេសបារាំង។ នៅផ្នែកអាងហែលទឺកនៃការិយាល័យរបស់យើងខ្ញុំ យើងបានឌីសាញខោហែលទឹក ហើយបន្ទាប់មក​ នៅថ្ងៃតែមួយយើងនឹងធ្វើតេស្តផលិតផលនោះនៅក្នុងទិដ្ឋភាពជាក់ស្តែង។ សូមស្វែងរកផលិតផលម៉ាក Olaian តាម https://www.olaian.fr/


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      2102 of 2032 people recommends this product
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      UNKNOWN (Vietnam) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

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      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
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      Kamil (Poland) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

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      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Świetnie nadają sie do kąpieli. Solidne wykonanie
      Philippe (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
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      Łukasz (Poland) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Produkt jak za tą cenę jest dobry.
      Jedyny minus to trochę twardy materiał, ale po tej cenie jest akceptowalny
      Rui (Portugal) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      bom produto
      Rui (Portugal) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      bom produto
      Cheap and comfortable shorts
      Bc (Singapore) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Material is quite waterproof and feel comfortable on the skin. Design is good for beach activities.
      Pas cher et top !
      JORIS (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Jolie, pas cher, sèche vite, rien à dire !!
      Adéla (Czechia) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Za přijatelné peníze.Velice kvalitní a příjemné