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      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក

      វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក

      2337 reviews
      2101 of 1963 people recommends this product
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      • វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក
      វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក កញ្ចក់ BFIT ពណ៌ស លឿង ផ្កាឈូក

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      សម្រាប់វគ្គហ្វឹកហ្វឺនដែលពឹងផ្អែកខ្លាំងបំផុតរបស់អ្នក វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹកទាំងនេះជាមួយនឹងការកែតម្រូវអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍ច្បាស់លាស់ រួមបញ្ចូលគ្នានូវភាពងាយស្រួល និងបង្រួម

      ធុញទ្រាន់នឹងការកែវ៉ែនតារបស់អ្នករាល់ពេលដែលអ្នកហ្វឹកហាត់?រាងតូច ជាមួយនឹងខ្សែពីរ និងខ្ទង់ច្រមុះចំនួន 3 វ៉ែនតាទាំងនេះផ្តល់នូវការលៃតម្រូវដ៏អស្ចារ្យសម្រាប់សមជាអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍

      កញ្ចក់: 100.0% Polycarbonate

      ; តំណ/ទ្រនាប់: 100.0% Styrene Ethylene Butadiene Styrene; ខ្សែ: 100.0% ស៊ីលីខូន; កន្លាស់: 100.0% Polycarbonate



      ហែលទឹកដោយលែងមានភាពស្រអាប់ ដោយសារតែមុខងារការពារភាពស្រអាប់របស់វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹកប្រភេទនេះ។






      កញ្ចក់កែវថតបានច្រើនជាង 99% នៃកាំរស្មី UVA និង UVB ដែលបង្កគ្រោះថ្នាក់ដើម្បីការពារភ្នែករបស់អ្នក




      ការអ័ព្ទគឺភាគច្រើនដោយសារតែភាពខុសគ្នានៃសីតុណ្ហភាពរវាងរាងកាយនិងទឹកនៅពេលដែលរាងកាយមានភាពកក់ក្តៅជាងបរិយាកាសអនុវត្តន៍ នោះអ័ព្ទកើតឡើងនៅផ្នែកខាងក្នុងនៃកែវភ្នែកតាមរយៈការហួតជាលទ្ធផល រាល់ដំណក់ញើសតូចៗនឹងជាប់នៅខាងក្នុងវ៉ែនតា


      ការប្រឆាំងនឹងអ័ព្ទបង្កើតជាស្រទាប់មីក្រូទស្សន៍នៃទឹក ដើម្បីអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យមើលឃើញច្បាស់ ប៉ុន្តែការពាក់របស់វាត្រូវបានពន្លឿនដោយការត្រដុសខាងក្នុងកែវភ្នែក ឬការប៉ះពាល់នឹងទឹកដែលមានក្លរីនច្រើនពេកការថែរក្សាផ្នែកខាងក្នុងនៃវ៉ែនតារបស់អ្នកគឺចាំបាច់ណាស់
      យូរ ៗ ទៅវាជារឿងធម្មតាទេដែលឥទ្ធិពលប្រឆាំងនឹងអ័ព្ទថយចុះការ​ត្រាំ​កែវ​ក្នុង​ទឹក​រយៈពេល​ខ្លី​អាច​ជួយ​ក្នុង​រយៈពេល​ខ្លី ប៉ុន្តែ​ក៏​អាច​បង្កើនល្បឿន​នៃ​ការ​ព្យាបាល​ផងដែរ​ហ្វឺតប្រឆាំងនឹងអ័ព្ទរបស់យើងធ្វើឱ្យការព្យាបាលឡើងមកវិញ!


      មុនពេលទិញវ៉ែនតារបស់អ្នក យើងសូមណែនាំឱ្យអ្នកធ្វើតេស្ដ "suction cup" ដោយគ្មានខ្សែយឺតដាក់វ៉ែនតានៅលើភ្នែករបស់អ្នក; ប្រសិនបើ​វាជាប់​ដោយ​ខ្លួន​ឯង​ដោយ​ការ​បឺត​តិចៗ ពួកវានឹងការពារទឹកចូលក្នុង​ទឹកការធ្វើតេស្តនេះក៏អាចកំណត់តំបន់នៃភាពមិនស្រួល ឬការរំខាននៅលើមុខផងដែរ



      វែនតាហែលទឹកដែលតឹងពេកអាចបង្ករភាពរំខាន បង្ករស្លាកស្នាម និងពេលខ្លះបង្ករអោយទឹកចូលបាន។

      មិនចាំបាច់ចុចកញ្ចក់វែនតានឹងដៃរបស់អ្នកឡើយ ឥទ្ធិពលជក់តិចៗគឺគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់ហែលទឹកដោយមិនបង្កើតជាប្រហោងទឹកហូរចូលបានឡើយ។

      ខ្សែគួរតែស្ថិតនៅលើត្រជៀកពី 2 ដល់ 3 សម។
      ទីតាំងនេះអាចអោយលោកអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់វែនតាជាប់មិនរបូត និងទទួលបានផាសុកភាព។


      ពណ៌នៃកញ្ចក់វ៉ែនតា គួរតែស័ក្តសមនឹងទីតាំង និងពន្លឺនៃកន្លែងហែលទឹក។
      ប្រសិនបើលោកអ្នកហ្វឹកហាត់ខាងក្រៅ ឬខាងក្នុងអាងទឹកដែលមានពន្លឺភ្លឺខ្លាំង ត្រូវពាក់វែនតាហែលទឹកដែលមានកញ្ចក់ស្រអាប់ផ្សែងជាអាទិភាពដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយចំណាំងពន្លឺ។
      ប៉ុន្តែប្រសិនបើអាវទឹកពណ៌ងងឹតជាមួយនឹងពន្លឺភ្លើបតិច ឧទាហរណ៍ដូចនៅថ្ងៃល្ងាចរដូវត្រជាក់ ត្រូវប្រើប្រាស់កញ្ចាក់វែនតាដែលថ្លា។
      វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក BFIT មានប្រភេទពណ៌កញ្ចក់ខុសៗគ្នាសម្រាប់ការជ្រើសរើស។

      ការការពារកាំរស្មី UV

      អនុលោមតាមស្តង់ដារ៖ Q/BT 4734 -2023 វ៉ែនតាហែលទឹក Nabaiji ទាំងអស់ការពារពីកាំរស្មី UVA និង UVB ដែលបង្កគ្រោះថ្នាក់នៅពេលប្រើជាធម្មតា ដោយមិនគិតពីពណ៌កញ្ចក់
      ការមើលចំពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យពិតជាគ្រោះថ្នាក់ ហើយអាចឈានដល់ការខូចភ្នែកដែលមិនអាចត្រលប់ដូចដើមវិញបាន។


      - លាងសម្អាតវែនតា (តែពេលចាំបាច់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ) ដោយគ្រាន់តែជ្រលក់វាទៅក្នុងទឹក
      - ហាមបាញ់ទឹកដែលមានកំលាំងខ្លាំងទៅលើផ្ទៃខាងក្នុងនៃកញ្ចក់វែនតាអោយសោះ។
      - រក្សាវែនតារបស់លោកអ្នកទៅក្នុងប្រអប់ក្រោយពេលហាត់ម្តងៗដើម្បីការពារកុំអោយខូច (លើផ្ទៃខាងក្នុងដោយសារតែមានទ្រនាប់ការពារអាប់ និងផ្ទៃខាងក្រៅកុំអោយឆ្កូត)
      - កុំដាក់វាអោយត្រូវសីតុណ្ហភាពលើសពី 60°C



      4.51/5 2337 reviews
      2101 of 1963 people recommends this product
      Lunettes de natation bfit - verres miroirs - tail
      SERGE (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

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      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

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      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Très bonne Lunettes de natation - verres miroirs - taille unique - noir bleu.
      Très etanche
      Lunettes de natation Taille Unique - blanches bleu
      SERGE (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Lunettes de natation Taille Unique tres robuste et tres fonctionnel pour la piscine.
      Facile a porter et a regler a sa taille.
      UNKNOWN (Vietnam) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Kính sử dụng tốt trong môi trường bơi ngoài trời
      UNKNOWN (Vietnam) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Kính tốt ổn
      sophie (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      parfaites pour la piscine
      Parfait pour l'interieur
      Damien (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Pas de buée et bonne tenue
      lunettes de natation
      Audrey (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      solide, facile à mettre, Bonne vision, joli design
      tavsiye edilir
      Fidan (Türkiye) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      aynı modelden aldığımız 3. gözlüğümüz kızım antreman ve yarışlarda kullanıyor çok memnun. Bu modelden vazgeçmiyor
      Justyna (Poland) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Ewa (Poland) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Kupiłam dla 6-latka. Bardzo dobre, nie przepuszczają wody, wymienne noski to duża zaleta. Polecam.