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      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម

      អាវយឺត 500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម

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      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      • អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម
      អាវយឺត  500 - ពណ៌លឿង ប្រផេះ សម្រាប់ក្មេងប្រុស ស្រី កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម

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      សេរីភាពក្នុងការធ្វើចលនា ជាផ្នែកមួយដ៏សំខាន់បំផុតសម្រាប់ការរៀនសូត្ររបស់កូនអ្នក។ជ្រើសរើសអាវយឺតដែលទ្រទ្រង់កូនៗរបស់អ្នក ព្រោះថាពួកគេកំពុងធំធាត់!

      អាវយឺតនេះ មានមុខងារពិសេសជាច្រើនសម្រាប់ការហាត់បេប៊ីជីមមានខ្យល់ចេញចូល សាច់ក្រណាត់យឺត និងទម្ងន់ស្រាល។វាជាដៃគូដ៏ល្អឥតខ្ជោះសម្រាប់ការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ជំនាញធ្វើចលនារបស់កូនៗអ្នក។

      ក្រណាត់: 54.0% Acrylic, 8.0% Elastane, 38.0% Viscose; នឹម: 22.0% Elastane, 78.0% Polyester



      កទូលាយ និងសាច់ក្រណាត់យឺត ផ្តល់ភាពងាយស្រួលក្នុងការពាក់


      សាច់ក្រណាត់បញ្ចេញកម្តៅ និងស្ងួតបានយ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័ស ដូច្នេះហើយកូនៗរបស់អ្នកអាចរក្សាភាពស្ងួតបាន។


      សាច់ក្រណាត់យឺត ដើម្បីផ្តល់សេរីភាពក្នុងការធ្វើចលនា!


      ខ្នងខាងក្រោយកាន់តែវែង នោះវាកាន់តែផ្តល់ភាពបិទបាំងដល់ក្មេងៗ


      អាវយឺតដែលមានទម្ងន់ស្រាល រលោង និងទន់



      នៅពេលដែលយើងខ្ញុំឌីសាញផលិតផល យើងខ្ញុំបានជ្រើសរើសសាច់ក្រណាត់ និងទឹកជ្រលក់ដែលមិនផ្តល់គ្រោះថ្នាក់ដល់កុមារ ហើយវារួមបញ្ចូលទាំងសមាសធាតុដែលចូលរួម (ឡេវ ខ្សែចង ជាដើម) ដែលពួកគេមិនអាចលេបចូលពោះបាន។យើងខ្ញុំត្រូវប្រាកដថា សាច់ក្រណាត់មិនមានផ្ទុកជាតិពុល ប្រសិនបើកូនៗរបស់អ្នកដាក់វាចូលមាត់។ នៅក្នុងស្តង់ដាបែបនេះ យើងខ្ញុំបានពិចារណាសុវត្ថិភាពកូនៗរបស់អ្នកនៅពេលឌីសាញផលិតផលរបស់យើងខ្ញុំ។ព័ត៌មានលំអិតទាំងអស់នេះ នឹងធ្វើឱ្យមានភាពខុសប្លែក!


      យើងខ្ញុំ ឌីសាញផលិតផលក្រោមជំនួយពីគ្រូពេទ្យកាយវិទ្យាដើម្បីយល់ពីរបៀបដែលធ្វើឱ្យកូនៗលោកអ្នកកាន់តែមានឯករាជ្យភាពក្នុងការស្លៀកពាក់របស់ពួកគេ។អ្វីដែលយើងត្រូវជំនះ នោះគឺការទប់ស្កាត់ក្មេងៗពីការបំបាក់ទឹកចិត្ត។លោកអ្នកត្រូវផ្តល់ជូននូវសកម្មភាពមួយដែលពួកគេអាចមើលឃើញ ដូច្នេះហើយពួកគេអាចធ្វើតាមហើយវានឹងក្លាយទៅជាទម្លាប់ ហើយជាចុងបញ្ចប់វានឹងក្លាយជាអ្វីដែលពួកគេត្រូវធ្វើជាទូទៅ នេះបើយោងទៅតាមលោក Agathe ដែលជាដៃគូអ្នកជំនាញខាងកាយវិទ្យារបស់យើងខ្ញុំ


      តើយើងអាចជួយអ្នកដោយរបៀបណា? ជាមួយនឹងរឺតដែលងាយបិទនិងកដ៏ទូលាយរបស់អាវ ធ្វើឱ្យក្មេងៗមិនជាប់ក្បាលក្នុងអាវយឺតរបស់ពួកគេឡើយ ហើយក៏មានផ្លាកសម្គាល់ខាងត្រូវ ដូច្នេះហើយពួកគេអាចធ្វើការស្លៀកពាក់បានដោយខ្លួនឯង! ក្រោយជំនួយប្រភេទនេះ កូនៗរបស់លោកអ្នកនឹងអាចចេះស្លៀកពាក់ដោយខ្លួន​ឯងបន្តិចម្តងៗដូចទៅនឹងក្មេងធំៗដែរ។


      ផ្នែកនៃ កីឡា ហ្គេម និងឱកាសសម្រាប់កូនៗរបស់អ្នក សម្រាប់ការស្វែងយល់ពីពិភពលោក!
      កីឡាជីមសម្រាប់កូនក្មេង គឺជាចំណុចចាប់ផ្តើមនៃការទទួលបានជ័យលាភីមួយ។ វាជួយទ្រទ្រ់ងការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ជំនាញនៃការធ្វើចលនារបស់កុមារ ខណៈដែលពួកគេអាចរីករាយនឹងការលេងកីឡាប្រភេទនេះ!
      ក្មេងៗដែលមានអាយុចន្លោះពី 1 ដល់ 6ឆ្នាំអាចចូលរួមក្នុងវគ្គសិក្សាដែលមានឧបសគ្គនេះ ដែលត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងយ៉ាងពិសេសសម្រាប់ក្មេងៗ។


      តើកូនៗរបស់អ្នកមានហាត់បេប៊ីជីមដែរឬទេ?តើអ្នកមានដឹងទេថា កីឡាដែលប្រកបដោយភាពរីករាយនេះ ជួយអភិវឌ្ឍជំនាញក្នុងការធ្វើចលនារបស់ក្មេងៗ? កូនៗរបស់អ្នក ដែលឆ្លងកាត់នូវការហ្វឹកហាត់សកម្មភាពកីឡាជាច្រើន និងឆ្លងកាត់ការស្វែងយល់ពីអារម្មណ៍បែបថ្មី នឹងរៀនពីរបៀបទប់លំនឹង អភិវឌ្ឍជំនាញធ្វើចលនា និងការសហការ ព្រមទាំងរៀននូវអ្វីៗគ្រប់យ៉ាងដែលពួកគេអាចរៀនបាន!វាជាវិធីសាស្ត្រដ៏ល្អសម្រាប់ក្មេងៗក្នុងការបង្កើតទំនុកចិត្តលើខ្លួនឯង។

      អ្វីសម្រាប់ពាក់ សម្រាប់កីឡាបេប៊ីជីម

      ដើម្បីទទួលបានផាសុកភាព លោកអ្នកអាចពឹងផ្អែកទៅលើផលិតផល DOMYOS ទាំងអស់៖អាវយឺត ខោជើងវែង ខោរឹបរាង និងអាវក្រៅសម្រាប់បេប៊ីជីម! គោលដៅរបស់យើងខ្ញុំ គឺដើម្បីផ្តល់ផាសុកភាពដល់ពួកគេ ដោយមិនចាំបាច់ឱ្យពួកគេទាញខោអាវចុះឡើងនៅពេលកំពុងហាត់កីឡានោះឡើយ។មុខងារបច្ចេកទេស គឺមានភាពខុសគ្នាដោយអាស្រ័យទៅលើកម្រិតរបស់កុមារ។


      5/5 6 reviews
      6 of 6 people recommends this product
      Nizam (ម៉ាឡេស៊ី) Used for 2 ទៅ 8 សប្តាហ៍ Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Very comfortable and affordable price
      Response of the brand

      Dear Nizam, thank you for your time in leaving us with a 5-Star rating on our product. We are glad that we managed to delight you with the standards of our product. We really appreciate your loyalty with Decathlon. Please let us know if there is anything else we can improve on in the future. Thank you once again for your time and we hope to serve you again soon!

      Dalina Hajjar




      Matching to leggings I bought
      Puteri Nur Rabiyatul (ម៉ាឡេស៊ី) Used for 2 ទៅ 8 សប្តាហ៍ Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Matching to leggings I bought, Great material! The size is perfect, and it's easy to wash and dries quickly
      Response of the brand

      Dear Puteri, thank you for your time in leaving us with a 5-Star rating on our product. We are glad that we managed to delight you with the standards of our product. We really appreciate your loyalty with Decathlon. Please let us know if there is anything else we can improve on in the future. Thank you once again for your time and we hope to serve you again soon!





      Kids shirt
      Hazlizaha (ម៉ាឡេស៊ី) Used for 2 ទៅ 8 សប្តាហ៍ Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Response of the brand

      Dear Hazlizaha,

      Thank you for your kind words and for your loyalty towards Decathlon USJ. We are thrilled to hear that you had a positive experience with us. At Decathlon, we are committed to continuous improvement, and your feedback is valuable to us. Satisfying our customers is our top priority. Your loyalty to Decathlon is highly appreciated. Please let us know if there anything else we can improve in the future. Thank you for choosing Decathlon, and we look forward to serving you again soon!


      Customer Service Team

      Aiman Asyraff (ចក្រភព​អង់គ្លេស) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Most comfy shirt my son had for his playtime
      Response of the brand

      Dear Aiman,

      Thank you for your time in leaving us with a 5-Star rating on our product. We are glad that we managed to delight you with the standards of our product. We really appreciate your loyalty with Decathlon. Please let us know at 03-89574549 if there is anything else we can improve on in the future. Thank you once again for your time and we hope to serve you again soon!


      Decathlon IOI City Mall

      (សិង្ហបុរី) Used for 2 ទៅ 8 សប្តាហ៍ Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      The quick dry material is so soft and cooling, suitable for SG humid weather, 5 out of 5 stars !
      Jasmine (សិង្ហបុរី) Used for 2 ទៅ 8 សប្តាហ៍ Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Soft, light weight, super comfortable. My kids love it for outdoor activities. We have this in green and pink too.
      Response of the brand

      Hi Jasmine! 👋,

      Greetings from Decathlon Toppen JB!

      Hope you are staying safe and healthy with your loved ones!

      Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for leaving us a positive review. We truly appreciate your feedback and glad that you are satisfied with our product. We are thrilled to hear that you found our store to be convenient and grateful that you enjoyed your visit. We will use this positivity to motivate ourselves to offer a more pleasurable and memorable experience for all store visitors. Do rest assured that we will not rest on our laurels and strive to better our store with the help of our enthusiastic sports advisors.

      On the other hand, you may leave us a comment by which we can use to further improve our services as well as rectify our weaknesses. We believe there is always room for improvement. Feel free to do so by giving us a call at 07-3598246

      We love staying connected with our amazing customers, so don't forget to stay updated with our latest offerings and exciting updates by following us on Instagram at @decathlon.johorbahru 📷✨We would be more than happy if you share your sport moments with us by tagging us. We look forward to serving you again and providing you with more amazing sports gear and exceptional service.

      Thank you and we look forward to serving you again!

      Adreena Zulhairey

      Fitness Department

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