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      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ

      អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ

      89 reviews
      80 of 83 people recommends this product
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      • អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ
      អាវក្នុងក្មេងស្រីម៉ាក LIZY TRI 500 ស្វាយ

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      ក្រុមការងារឌីសាញយើងខ្ញុំអភិវឌ្ឍឈុតនេះឡើងសម្រាប់អ្នកជិះក្តារបន្ទះកម្រិតមធ្យម អាចប្រើបានចំពោះរលកគ្រប់សណ្ឋាន។

      អាវកវាលម៉ាក LIZY ប្រភេទនេះផ្តល់ជូននូវភាពតឹងណែនក្នុងទឹករលក ដោយសារតែបន្ទះកៅស៊ូក្រោមសុដន់របស់វា ដែលធានាអោយបាននូវចលនាបំលាស់ទីដោយសេរីក្នុងទឹក ខណៈកំពុងចែវក្តារបន្ទះ។

      ក្រណាត់: 18.0% Elastane, 82.0% Polyester; បង្គោលព័ទ្ធលើថូផ្កា: 100.0% Polyester



      បន្ទះនៅក្រោមសុដន់ ផ្តល់នូវភាពតឹងណែននៅពេលឋិតក្នុងទឹករលក។


      ខ្សែខ្វែងគ្នាផ្នែកខាងក្រោយនៃអាវ ផ្តល់នូវចលនាបំលាស់ទីដោយសេរីសម្រាប់អ្នកជិះក្តារបន្ទះ។



      ចំពោះ កីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះជាចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្តរបស់អ្នក ហើយអ្នកតែងតែលេងវាជាប្រចាំនៅក្នុងទឹកសីតុណ្ហភាពក្តៅឧន្តៗ។ កំឡុងពេលហ្វឹកហាត់ លោកអ្នកយកដៃកូរទឹកដើម្បីតម្រង់ខ្លួនឱ្យត្រង់ មិនថាប្រើក្បាច់ទា ឬក្បាច់អណ្តើក វាអាស្រ័យទៅលើប្រភេទក្តារវែង ឬក្តារខ្លីដែលលោកអ្នកកំពុងប្រើប្រាស់។ចំពោះអ្នកដែលលេងកីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះនៅលើទឹករលកកម្ពស់ខ្ពស់ជាងមួយម៉ែត្រ ហើយអ្នកអាចបង្ហាញនូវល្បិចលេងផ្សេងៗជាច្រើនទៀត។ លោកអ្នកតែងតែដួល ហើយលោកនឹងស៊ាំក្នុងការធ្លាក់ចូលក្រោមទឹក។លោកអ្នកចង់បានឈុតហែលទឹករបស់អ្នកឋិតនៅជាប់ខ្លួនបើទោះបីជាមានចលនាយ៉ាងណានៅពេលដែលកំពុងចែវក្តារ។


      យើងបង្កើតអាវម៉ាក LIZY នេះឡើងដើម្បីអោយក្មេងស្រីជិះក្តារបន្ទះលើរលកអស់បារម្ភរឿងរបូតឈុតរបស់ពួកគេខណៈកំពុងលេងទឹករលក។ ឈុតហែលទឹកនេះត្រូវបានឌីសាញដើម្បីផ្តល់នូវសេរីភាពនៃការធ្វើចលនា ក៏ព្រោះតែខ្សែខ្វែងទន់ល្មើយនៅផ្នែកខាងក្រោយអាវ។

      ឋិតថេរនៅនឹងមួយកន្លែងនៅលើរលកទឹកសមុទ្រ៖ ការធ្វើតេស្ត

      យើងឌីសាញឈុតទាំងនេះឡើងដើម្បីធានាលំនឹងដងខ្លួននៅមួយកន្លែងនៅលើទឹករលកជាច្រើន។ ដើម្បីធ្វើតេស្តវា យើងបានជ្រើសរើសយកក្រុមស្ត្រីជិះក្តារបន្ទះចំនួន នាក់ជាមួយនឹងទម្រង់ដងខ្លួនខុសៗគ្នា ដែលនឹងចូលរួមដំណើរការនៃការធ្វើតេស្តនៅក្នុងអាងហែលទឹកនៅឯការិយាល័យរបស់យើង នៅទីក្រុង Hendaye។ គោលដៅនៃការធ្វើតេស្តនេះ គឺដើម្បីបង្កើតនូវបទពិសោធន៍ពិតៗ ដោយអ្នកជិះក្តារបន្ទះដែលស្ថិតនៅជុំវិញទឹករលក។ ប្រសិនបើការធ្វើតេស្តនេះឈានទៅដល់ការសន្និដ្ឋានណាមួយ យើងនឹងធ្វើការជិះក្តារបន្ទះដោយផ្ទាល់នៅលើទឹកសមុទ្រដើម្បីធ្វើតេស្តក្នុងករណីជាក់ស្តែងពិតៗ។


      ទ្រនាប់គឺជាបន្ទះហ្វ៊ូមមួយដែលអាចដាក់បញ្ចូលក្នុងឈុតហែលទឹកបាន។ដូច្នេះហើយ អតិថិជនយើង អាចសម្រេចថាតើពួកគេចង់ទុកប៉ុងអា​វទ្រនាប់ ឬក៏យ៉ាងណា។ អាវប្រភេទនេះ អាចដាក់ និងដោះប៉ុងអាវទ្រនាប់បានដោយសេរី។គំនិតចម្បងនៅពីក្រោយប៉ុងអាវទ្រនាប់ប្រភេទនេះ គឺដើម្បីការពារភាពដាក់ខ្លួនរបស់ក្មេងស្រី។ប៉ុងអាវទ្រនាប់ បិទបាំងចុងដោះ ដែលនឹងអាចត្រូវបានមើលឃើញនៅពេលដែលសើមទឹក។ ប៉ុងប្រភេទនេះ មិនមែនត្រូវបានឌីសាញឡើងដើម្បីបង្ហាញដងខ្លួនឡើយ។


      នេះជាទំនាក់ទំនងរវាងអាយុ និងកម្ពស់របស់ក្មេងស្រីទៅលើម៉ូដរបស់ឈុតហែទឹក៖
      8/9 ឆ្នាំ៖ ពី 133 ទៅ 142 cm
      10/11 ឆ្នាំ៖ ពី 143 ទៅ 150 cm
      12/13 ឆ្នាំ៖ ពី 151 ទៅ 160 cm
      14/15 ឆ្នាំ៖ ពី១៦១ ទៅ១៦៩ cm

      ទម្ងន់ស្ងួត និង ទម្ងន់សើម

      ដើម្បីធានាបាននូវភាពសក្ដិសមល្អឥតខ្ចោះនៅក្នុងទឹក វាជាការសំខាន់ក្នុងការជ្រើសរើសទំហំត្រឹមត្រូវ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកមានខ្លួនស្ងួត ពីព្រោះនៅពេលដែលវាស្ថិតនៅក្នុងទឹក នោះឈុតហែលទឹកនឹងក្លាយទៅជារលុង។ ដូច្នេះយើងសូមណែនាំឱ្យអ្នកទិញទំហំត្រឹមត្រូវ។ ឈុតហែលទឹកនេះត្រូវមានភាពរឹបជាប់នឹងខ្លួនរបស់អ្នកល្អនៅពេលដែលលោកអ្នកកំពុងលវានៅក្នុងបន្ទប់លសម្លៀកបំពាក់ ហើយលោកអ្នកត្រូវមានអារម្មណ៍ថាទទួលបានការទ្រទ្រង់។ ជាតិអេឡាស្ទេនដែលមាននៅក្នុងសមាសធាតុផ្សំមួយចំនួនដែលត្រូវបានប្រើក្នុងការរចនា​ឈុតហែលទឹករបស់យើង ធ្វើឱ្យឈុតហែលទឹកទន់ និងធូរនៅក្នុងទឹក។


      ហើយត្រូវដឹងទៀតថា តើទំហំ ឬក៏ស្តាយ៍សាកសមនឹងលោកអ្នកដែរឬអត់? តើលោកអ្នកចង់ធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរវានៅ​ឯហាង Decathlon ដែរឬទេ? គ្មានបញ្ហា! ត្រូវប្រាកដថា លោកអ្នកមិនបានហែកផ្លាកអាវនៅលើឈុតហែលទឹកដែលលោកអ្នកចង់ធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ។

      OLAIAN ផលិតផល DECATHLONប្រភេទកីឡាជិះស្គីលើសមុទ្រ

      OLAIAN ជាស្លាកសញ្ញាផលិតផលកីឡាជិះក្តារបន្ទះថ្មីរបស់ Decathlon ដែលមានទីតាំងនៅទីក្រុង Hendaye ប៉ែកនិរតីប្រទេសបារាំង។ នៅផ្នែកអាងហែលទឹករបស់ការិយាល័យយើង យើងអាចធ្វើការឌីសាញឈុតហែលទឹក និងបន្ទាប់មកធ្វើតេស្តសាកល្បងវាក្នុងថ្ងៃតែមួយតែម្តងដើម្បីត្រួតពិនិត្យពីភាពឋិតថេររបស់វាជាមួយនឹងទឹករលក។


      4.58/5 89 reviews
      80 of 83 people recommends this product
      Deisy del Carmen (Spain) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Ideal para niñas preadolescentes, a mi hija le ha gustado mucho!
      Confortable et bon maintient. Bonne…
      Stephanie (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Confortable et bon maintient.
      Bonne tenue dans les vagues.
      Carme (Spain) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Bonito pero la parte de abajo con el uso se ha descolorido, el azul de las braguitas es diferente del top, es una pena.
      Très joli
      Nawel Hana (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Très joli
      Très bien possibilité d'enlever le…
      Laetitia (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Très bien
      possibilité d'enlever le rembourage
      bikini üstü
      Didem (Türkiye) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Bu ürün gerçekten çok rahat, artık kızım suda hareket ederken, zıplarken üstü açılmıyor ve çok güzel kavrıyor.
      Très bien!
      Lucile (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Maintien irréprochable y compris pour les adultes (de petite taille!)
      Très beau produit
      Lucile (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Design très sympa et excellent maintien y compris pour les adultes (de petite taille!)
      Jolie coupe
      Charlène (France) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      Choisi et adopté par ma fille de 13 ans. Elle se dit à l'aise dedans pour nager et jouer. Coupe féminine et respectueuse de sa pudeur.
      Response of the brand

      Bonjour Charlène,

      Merci pour votre retour d'expérience.

      Bonne utilisation!



      Services Clients

      primo triangolo
      Ilaria (Italy) Verified purchase What is a "Verified purchase"?

      Where review is marked as "Verified purchase" confirmed by Decathlon, this means that we could verify that the client who filed this opinion has purchased the product from us.

      We can confirm purchases for the reviews expressed on a request by e-mail after purchase or when the customer has this review from his personal space.

      If a review is not marked as "Verified purchase," this does not mean that the author's review has no experience with the product. They may have given their review directly on the site without unique identification, or the product has been offered or paid by someone else.

      The label "Verified purchase" let's help you judge the reliability of a review.
      ho tolto l imbottitura perché non mi piaceva ... è molto comodo pratico look carino