Squat Pad dimensions
- Diameter: 25-32 mm
- Length: 37 cm
- Foam thickness: 20 mm
- Fits bars of any diameter
Why use a bar sleeve for squats?
Enjoy good support and comfort for your neck and shoulders. No more struggling to find a comfortable position! You'll now be able to fully focus on executing your exercises using your bar, including squats, lunges, and step-ups.
Why is the foam so dense?
We designed this squat bar sleeve with a very dense foam to prevent the bar from getting too far from your shoulders. This will help keep the bar very close to your shoulders; you'll feel as if nothing had been added to it at all.
How to put on your squat bar sleeve
Putting on the sleeve couldn't be easier; just two simple steps: - Insert the sleeve into the groove designed for it. - Close the rip-tabs to keep it in place. Make sure to correctly centre the sleeve on the bar to avoid it being unbalanced on your shoulders. Adding the sleeve to your bar is quick and easy, and lets you fully focus on working out your legs.
Do your squats or lunges safely.
Our bar sleeve has two rip-tabs to keep it in place, so you can do your workouts with peace of mind. These ensure it stays on safely while you exercise, and prevents the bar from sliding or the sleeve from coming off.
Protect your joints during squats
We recommend using our knee pads (item 8548500) to keep your joints warm and reduce the chance of injury.
Workout recommendations from our coach (1/2)
Recommended workout for lower body toning: - squat with bar on neck: 3 sets of 12-15 reps,
- bar lunges: 3 sets of 12-15 reps per leg,
- deadlift with dumbbells: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
Tips from our coach (2/2)
Take a short rest between each set (about 1.5 to 2 minutes).
For each exercise, start at the recommended lower bound (make sure not to lift to failure; always keep a margin of 2 reps below your max), and increase by one rep a week until you reach the upper bound, after which you can add more weight to the bar. Whenever you add more weight to the bar, start again at the lower bound number of reps and incrementially increase until you reach the upper bound, etc.