Sept 27, 2021 | 5 mins read
3 Important muscle to pull up
We often hear people say that if you want to practice Pull-up, you must first train to increase your arm strength. But do you know how to train and what parts?
Pull-up is an exercise that focuses on using and training the upper body, such as the arms, shoulders, and torso. This exercise has many health benefits, in addition to helping with training our strength, it also helps to maintain the body, increase mental health and help reduce fat.
In order to learn to do this type of exercise properly and quickly, we should first focus on training to increase the strength of these three-arm muscles:
1. Forearm muscles
The forearm muscles are one of the most important parts of our arms when we are doing pulling motions such as Pull-up. Did you know, pulling or pull-up exercise requires a lot of grip strength, and the main source of grip strength is on the muscles of our forearms. To increase your grip strength, you can do exercises or use exercise tools that focus on the muscles of the forearm: rubber band exercises, using hand grip strengthening/hand gripper, and dumbbell lift.
2. Biceps
The biceps is a muscle located in the front of the upper arm. Because it is at the front, it is also important when we are doing pulling motion. The biceps is one of the most important muscles of our arms when it comes to movement. On the other hand, its function is to reduce and protect our joints from strains, pressure, and other injuries when moving. The best way to train our biceps muscles is to lift dumbbells and lift weights. Rubber band exercises can also help with training the biceps muscles.
3. Triceps
The triceps muscle is similar to the biceps in that it is located at the same part of the arm, which is the upper arm part, while the triceps is located at the back. The triceps play an important role in pushing or pulling movement. In addition, the Triceps also plays a role in maintaining balance, helping with the grip or grip strength, and especially it also helps support in pushing or lifting heavy objects. We can train the Triceps muscles through exercises that involve pushing movement, for example: Push-up or Bench dip. Using equipment like Dumbbells to train can also help with the Triceps muscles training.
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