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Available online
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Women's Breathable Weight Training Gloves - Burgundy
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black

      Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black

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      676 reviews
      571 of 551 people recommends this product
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Women's Breathable Weight Training Gloves - Burgundy
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      • Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black
      Weight Training Lifting Strap - Black

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      This lifting straps provide excellent grip, relieving pressure on your hands and forearms and thus helping you improve the execution of your lifting exercises.

      These straps are easy to store and essential to your strength training or body building workouts. They will help you lift up to 250 kg total.

      Webbing: 100.0% Polyester



      This component was specially selected to provide better grip on the bar


      Max. load 250 kg


      Lifting strap dimensions

      Pull strap dimensions: - Strap length: 55 cm
      - Strap width: 3.5 cm

      --> Sold as a pair

      What are lifting straps for?

      The primary purpose of lifting straps is to allow you to lift more weight using only your hands or forearms where you would otherwise have insufficient grip. This will help you lift heavier weights for more reps. To achieve this, these straps wrap around your wrists and the bar during lifting exercises such as the deadlift, as well as certain pulling exercises such as the snatch pull.

      How to correctly put on the lifting strap

      Putting on the straps is easy: - Wrap the first strap around your wrist and thread it through the buckle. - Make sure the free end is in the palm of your hand. - Wrap the strap around the bar, starting under the bar and pulling it towards you. - Make sure the strap isn't wrapped around too thickly and that your hand still touches the bar. - Repeat with the second strap.

      Safety and max load

      Our lifting straps can hold a max weight of 250 kg (125 kg per strap).

      Do lift exercises safely

      When you do lifting exercises such as the deadlift, we strongly recommend using a leather weight training belt (item
      8649025) or a dual-fastener belt (item 8649022) to provide extra support for your torso, which will help you increase the intra-abdominal pressure.

      Recommendations from our coach on strength training exercises using the lifting straps (1/2)

      Sample back strength training exercise from our coach: - Deadlift: 4 sets of 3 to 5 reps (pay close attention to your technique and the position of your back as you do this exercise)
      - Inclined torso rowing:
      3 sets of 6 to 8 reps.
      - Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps (tip: use support straps or a weighted vest to make this exercise either easier or more difficult, and don't forget to take off the strap for this exercise).

      Our trainer's advice for improving your training (2/2)

      For each exercise, start with the recommended minimum number of reps (take care not to lift to failure, and always leave a margin of 2 reps below your max), then add one rep per week until you reach the recommended maximum. Next, increase the weight on the bar. Whenever you add more weight to the bar, start again at the minimum recommended number of reps, and incrementially increase until you reach the recommended maximum.


      4.33/5 676 reviews
      571 of 551 people recommends this product
      Barbara ()
      Mia figlia li porta in palestra e li utilizza. sono molto resistenti e comodi
      Niente male
      andrea ()
      Per quello che costano sono ottime
      Les sangles de tirages…
      Aurélie ()
      Les sangles de tirages ne sont pas protégées par de la mousse et donc peuvent faire mal à la peau.
      De plus, si vous avez un reste de tendinite aux poignets, vous pouvez passer votre chemin : les sangles de tirages font mal dans ce cas
      KIA HAO ()
      Basic, robust, all you can ever ask for a pair of strap
      super rapport qualité prix
      Eléonore ()
      bonne sangle pour musculation ponctuelle
      KAMILA ()
      Paski bardzo dobrze sprawdziły się w treningu ze sztangą.
      vrlo čvrsto
      Josip ()
      materijal je čvrst i jako dobro služi!
      Response of the brand

      Poštovani Josip,

      zahvaljujemo Vam na pozitivnoj recenziji za naš proizvod! :) 

      Sportski pozdrav!

      Vaš Decathlon

      Silvia ()
      Péssimos straps
      Rui ()
      Estes straps não têm uma almofada na zona do pulso, ou seja, magoa na pele. Quando é muito peso, corta a pele. É desconfortável. Preciso de uns com almofadado por dentro junto ao pulso. Os da crane são bons
      Response of the brand

      Olá Rui:

      Agradecemos o seu feedback e lamentamos saber que a experiência com os nossos straps não foi a ideal para si. O conforto é um fator essencial nos treinos de musculação, e compreendemos que a falta de um acolchoamento na zona do pulso possa ter causado desconforto, especialmente com cargas mais elevadas.

      Este modelo de straps foi desenvolvido para garantir um suporte firme e seguro durante os levantamentos, sendo um produto bem avaliado pelos nossos clientes, que destacam a sua resistência e eficácia na melhoria da pega. No entanto, entendemos que as preferências podem variar, e vamos encaminhar a sua sugestão para a nossa equipa de desenvolvimento.

      Se permite a sugestão deixo-lhe algumas alternativas que me parecem ir de encontro ao que procura:

      Fita de Elevações de Musculação com Pega Confortável (Preto) - CORENGTH

      Correias de elevação com aderência extra - THOR ATHLETICS

      Padded Lifting Straps - GORILLA WEAR

      Se precisar de mais informações ou aconselhamento sobre outros produtos, estamos à sua disposição. Obrigado pelo seu tempo e pelo seu contributo para a melhoria dos nossos artigos! 💪

      Bruno Serra

      Kartik ()
      Overall this is a good product