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Available online
      • Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit
      • Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit
      • Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit
      Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit

      Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit

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      1999 reviews
      1607 of 1637 people recommends this product
      • Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit
      • Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit
      • Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit
      Self-Adhesive Patch Inner Tube Repair Kit

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      This self-adhesive patch kit lets you easily and quickly repair punctures so you can carry on enjoying your bike rides.

      8 self-adhesive patches for repairing punctures without vulcanising solution.



      100% effective on all types of Butyl inner tubes.

      Ease of use

      Less restrictive and just as effective as a classic patch.

      Easy assembly / dismantling

      Easy to stick on and quick to use.


      User tip:

      1. Remove the inner tube and locate the puncture
      2. Roughen the area around the puncture using the sandpaper
      3. Clean and dry this area
      4. Apply the self-adhesive patch and press hard on the entire area for around 45 seconds
      5. Run your nail over the patch to increase its adhesive power
      6. Put the inner tube back in the tyre and the tyre in the rim
      7. Inflate your tyre to the recommended pressure.


      Optimal lifespan:3 years at room temperature (16-22°C, 30-70% humidity), away from direct light, in original packaging.

      Minimum temperature for repairs: +10°C
      Temperature for use: -40°C to +65°C

      Applying the patch:

      Be careful not to touch the sticky part when positioning the patch, so as not to reduce its sticking power.
      Remove any air bubbles from the centre of the patch towards the edges.
      Rub the patch with your nail to warm it up and help it stick better.
      Finally, press firmly with your thumb, covering the entire patch for 45 seconds to 1 minute (press on a clean, flat surface for greater effectiveness).


      A good sanding of the area concerned will give you a better result.
      The aim is to obtain a flat, clean surface so the patch holds as well as possible.If the puncture is close to excess material, sand until the excess is removed.
      Sanding will create micro-scratches that will allow the glue on your patch to set more easily.
      This stage is very important for a lasting repair.


      Clean away any impurities to ensure a clean, flat and dry area to apply the patch.

      Remember: don't use water or any other product to clean your inner tube after sanding. It's essential to have a clean, dry surface to ensure that your patch lasts.

      Did you know?

      To make sure that your patch remains in place for as long as possible on your repaired inner tube, we strongly recommend that you reinflate your inner tube within 24 hours of applying the patch and that you inflate it to the recommended pressure.


      4.18/5 1999 reviews
      1607 of 1637 people recommends this product
      Sada na lepení duše
      Petra (Česko)
      Praktická sada.
      Rémi (France)
      Laetitia (France)
      La réparation se fait rapidement grâce à la face autocollante. (Très puissante) C'est bluffant.
      En dépannage
      Dominique (France)
      Permet d’avoir toujours une rustine sur soi mais la colle est trop faible pour assurer un bon collage
      parches practicos
      Joan (España)
      ideal para salir en bici
      Buen kit
      Pablo (España)
      Pegamento y parches perfecto
      Lio (España)
      Era lo que necesitaba y ha cumplido su ficción perfectamente.
      Dobry produkt
      Maciej (Polska)
      Szybko można naprawić dętki
      Günstig und einfach
      Marcin (Schweiz)
      Die Flicken für Fahrradschläuche von Decathlon sind eine großartige Lösung für alle, die eine schnelle und kostengünstige Reparatur suchen. Das Set ist einfach zu verwenden – kein Kleber erforderlich, und die Flicken haften gut auf der Schlauchoberfläche. Sie haben sich sowohl bei kleineren als auch größeren Pannen bewährt. Perfekt für Notfallreparaturen unterwegs. Ein Muss für jede Fahrradtour!
      Jonathan (France)